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Hackernews Client with Hackerfeed API

· One min read
Enea Krähenbühl

My idea was to develop a hackernews client, I know so many others exist already. But I wanted to try for myself.

I started out by finding an API that would allow me to lean back and relax. This API is called, I believe to have found it on hackernews.

Afterwards I moved onto designing the Frontend, for this I wanted to use pre-made bootstrap components. For that I used MDBootstrap, a Framework that combines Material, from Google and Bootstrap into one capitalistic creation.

A code snippet from the index.html. The classes correspond to MDBootstrap

Final Result

The result can be seen here. It doesn’t work aswell as I wanted it to. But upon preloding the API response times got a little bit better.


For another project I would want to better know about fetching API responses from load or background fetching. Maybe even with a service worker.

Also I wouldn‘t use MDBootstrap again, first of all, because it’s not free and secondarily because I like Tailwind and co more :).